A learning Project in Portugese Secondary School: the Use ofTechnology in the Classroom
During a whole school year at "Escola Secundária de S. Pedro da Cova", in Gondomar, Portugal, an electronic learning and learning regulation device has been introduced in history teaching which was a challenge both for teachers and for students as far as methods and procedures are concerned. The system allowed the History Teacher to promptly access the students’ performance and adapt the learning and teaching process, and the students to receive immediate feedback. This work systematized the use of electronic regulation systems in history learning and teaching in the 9th grade of elementary education.
A socio-constructivist learning project was developed following active strategies which promoted the students exploration, collaboration and reflection. We concluded this work with the identification of pedagogical strategies and approaches in the use of learning regulation electronic devices which particularly promoted added and significant participation and collaboration as well as knowledge construction supported by new working and communication dimensions among students and with the teacher. An up-to-date school should be one which does not fear the transformation of the traditional classroom environment, no longer adequate to modern times. Involving the students is promoting their participation in the learning process boosted by the use of different teaching formats using the available technologies. Like many, we believe that with the intentional use oftechnology in the classroom the students develop a more solid concept acquisition and comprehension and their inter-connection.
http://euroclio.eu/new/index.php/portugal-aph-full-members-447/3613-a-learning-project-in-portugese-secondary-school-the-use-of-technology-in-the-classroom?fb_action_ids=4618014183327&fb_action_types=og.likes&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%7B%224618014183327%22%3A173391206174710%7D&action_type_map=%7B%224618014183327%22%3A%22og.likes%22%7D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D - consultado a 12 de Julho de 2013, 9h 50m.
Tive oportunidade de contatar e experimentar esta estratégia em contexto de formação e na verdade convenceu-me. O pior é que não conseguimos financiamento para operacionalizá-la em sala de aula. Parabéns ao Armando Oliveira. O que é preciso é muitos inovadores como ele.
Tive oportunidade de contatar e experimentar esta estratégia em contexto de formação e na verdade convenceu-me. O pior é que não conseguimos financiamento para operacionalizá-la em sala de aula. Parabéns ao Armando Oliveira. O que é preciso é muitos inovadores como ele.